Wessex House, St Leonard’s Road Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 8QS, UK

+44(0)1202 555733

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A 2022 practical guide to sustained progress delivered at pace

Sustained progress for all organisations

A practical guide to sustained progress delivered at pace

“…2020 was a wake-up call. To thrive in the coming decade, companies must develop resilience – the ability to withstand unpredictable threat or change and then to emerge stronger… ‘‘Develop resilience’’ is easy to say but hard to define, and yet harder to do…”

McKinsey The Resilience imperative: Succeeding in uncertain times

What makes an organisation resilient?

Imagine an organization, that is Resilient and can make Progress at Pace, what would it look like?…

  • a solid foundation of sustainable operations, evolving vision and customer offering, enterprising investment, and careful management of innovation and risk.
  • a culture where everyone shares a vision and has the motivation and energy to make things happen.
  • a environment to make progress with better processes and practices delivering customer value at the right time and pace...

And the organisation would need to continually evolve…..

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What does our practical guide offer?

On a practical level, we noticed that some companies did rise to the challenge and were being successful whilst others failed to survive…

  • How did they recognise that this challenge represents an opportunity?
  • What should be done to make progress in these challenging times?
  • How did they adapt so quickly to energise their people in what needs to be done?
“The moment has arrived for all organisations to adopt a more a Resilience Framework to help them make Progress at Pace.”


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